
Who We Are

Western Slope Mennonite Fellowship (WSMF) is a small, emerging faith-based community spread across Western Colorado. It is made up of people who desire to draw from the wisdom of Anabaptist thought and practice as we navigate life in the 21st century.

WSMF began among a small number of individuals and families on the Western Slope that had been raised within a Mennonite community. When we connected with each other, we found a shared longing for a community that holds an Anabaptist Christian expression of faith and traditions. The idea came to create a geographically diffuse Mennonite church community, without a permanent location. The group, focused on the Western Slope, makes space for fellowship,  worship, and discernment emphasizing Jesus’ vision for peacemaking, justice, service, and care for one another.

We invite you to join us on this adventure…

  • Regardless of origin, identity, affiliation, or status

  • Whether you are seeking a primary spiritual community or looking to augment your journey as you remain a part of another

  • Whether or not you have experienced a Mennonite or Anabaptist community before

What We Believe

We believe in an honest attempt to live out Jesus’ calling and word, presenting a witness of peace, joy, and grace to a broken world. We believe that participation in community is essential in determining how we are to live this call. We believe that open dialogue and wrestling with questions of faith in a context of love help to refine our beliefs and deepen our faith. We feel transformed into a people of love and peace by engaging in and serving our broader communities.

WSMF is formally affiliated with Mountain States Mennonite Conference, a part of Mennonite Church USA.

While our community is guided by the statements above, we are also a developing community. Our intention is to form a dispersed community that is rooted in the Mennonite Anabaptist tradition, and, through discernment and action, to create a new expression of that tradition and offer it to the present day.  

What We Do

WSMF values the physical presence of one another, and aims to gather in-person twice every month. This gathering typically includes time for socializing over a meal followed by a time of worship and meditation. The locations have more or less rotated between the Roaring Fork and the Grand Valley, however we are always open to exploring new areas.

Desiring more frequent connections and to increase accessibility, WSMF also meets virtually once a month for study and conversation. 

With service as a core value, WMSF seeks opportunities to give our time and talents to address needs we see around us. We aim to lead a service project twice a year. This is a way of putting our beliefs into action and also a time to grow together as a community.  

For more information about our gatherings and service projects see “Events.”